Dr. Sreeja S R
BCI Researcher
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City
Chittoor Andhra Pradesh - 517 646, India.
Email: sreeja.sr@iiits.in

Hello! I'm Sreeja
I did my Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India from 2014-2020. My broad area of research is Brain-computer interface and my primary focus is on decoding motor imagery EEG signals using machine learning and sparse optimization. My research interests are Brain-computer interfacing, Data collection, Data Analysis, Feature optimization, Machine learning and Sparse optimization.
Apart from research, I like to travel, chit-chat with my family and friends, trying out different mouth-watering recipes and spending time with my kids.
Doctor of Philosophy

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: 8.2/10
Master's Degree
Anna University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: 8.8/10 (First class with Distinction)

Bachelor's Degree

Anna University
Department of Information Technology
Percentage: 85 (First class with Distinction)
Over the years the way humans interact with computers has evolved and made remarkable progress, from punch cards to swipe cards to voice control systems. Nevertheless, the human-computer interaction (HCI) system designed for the people with special needs lags behind as the input mechanism for HCI systems needs some form of motor activity. With the help of brain-computer interaction (BCI), there is a possibility to provide hands-free touch-free interaction as the next generation of HCI making use of brain activity. My thesis work is on a step towards developing a BCI system for people with disabilities. The processing of a BCI system consists of four main components: tasks performed by the subject, data acquisition, signal processing and analysis, and the device response. While pursuing my PhD, I have concentrated mainly on EEG signal processing, data representation and classification algorithms using machine learning and sparse optimization techniques.

PYTHON 2.7 - Jupyter Notebook
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
CS29006 - Software Engineering Laboratory
Spring Semester, 2019
Professor In-charge: Debasis Samanta
IT60108 - Soft Computing Applications
Spring Semester, 2018
Professor In-charge: Debasis Samanta
CS10001 - Programming and Data Structures Laboratory
Spring Semester, 2017 & Autumn Semester 2018
Professor In-charge: Debasis Samanta and Pabitra Mitra
CS40003 - Data Analytics
Autumn Semester, 2017
Professor In-charge: Debasis Samanta
NPTEL online certification course
Introduction to Soft Computing
Spring Semester, 2018 and 2019
Professor In-charge: Debasis Samanta
Institute Scholarship (MHRD, Govt. of India) 2014-2019 from IIT Kharagpur, for pursuing Ph.D.
Infosys Women Student Travel Grant for attending The International Conference on new Trends in Computing Sciences (ICTCS), PSUT, Jordan, October 2017.
Secured 26th rank (out of 4093 students) in Anna University M. E. 2014, Computer Science and Engineering Examinations.
Department Topper in M. E. 2014, Computer Science and Engineering in Chennai Institute of Technology (CIT), Chennai.
Departmental 3rd rank in B. Tech, Information Technology in Adhiparasakthi Engineering College (APEC), Chennai.
IEEE Graduate Student Member, since 2015.
Vice-chair of Executive Committee, IEEE Student Branch IIT Kharagpur, India (2015-17).
Track Co-Chair (Human Computer Interaction), IEEE TechSym 2016, IIT Kharagpur, India, 2016.
Organizing Committee member of GIAN Course on "Advances of NeuroTechnology and its Applications to Brain-Machine Interaction" at IIT Kharagpur, India, 2017.
Organizing member of an IEEE workshop on "Deep Learning and its Applications with Hands-on Training" at IIT Kharagpur, India, 2017.